Cheat LEX Legit for RUST
Lex Legit is your key to success in RUST! With this cheat, you can improve your game shooting and become a more effective player. Enjoy the convenience and functionality of Lex Legit to achieve great results in the game and feel the joy of each successful raid!
Cheat status: Updated
Enable / Disable Silent Aimbot Normal Aimbot Prediction Hitbox (Head, Neck, Body) FOV scale Max Distance scale Smooth No Recoil No Spread
Enable / Disable Max Distance scale Sleepers Head Circle Box Lines (Top, Middle, Bottom) Health Name Weapon Distance Wounded Skeleton
Enable / Disable Corpse BackPack Stone Sulfur Metal Crate Normal Crate Elite Patrol Heli Hemp Items AirDrop Sam Turret Auto Turret GunTrap Flame Turret Cup Border Box Wooden Large Small Stash Sleeping Bag Mini Copter Scrap Copter Row Boa Rhib Crosshair Debug Camera