Cheat VANURI for XDefiant
VANURI is your perfect tool for dominating XDefiant! An excellent cheat with a user-friendly interface that will make your game unique! Aim will help you to aim accurately and quickly, even in the most difficult situations! And the recoil deactivation function will help you make an amazing killstrike! For Laptop Users: Dedicated GPU only mode (aka MUX Switch)
Cheat status: Frozen
Cheat is frozen. Purchase is not possible.
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Aimbot FOV Aimbot Smart distance Aimbot speed Aimbot sticky Toggle Aim (One Taps) Toggle Aim FOV Toggle Aim Speed
Compensate Recoil Randomization
Ultra fast Delay 0-100 ms Great for snipers
Any Mouse Any Resolution Any Aspect Ratio Windowed Borderless