Cheat ARCANE for Dark and Darker

With the Arcane cheat, your Dark and Darker game will become much easier and more interesting! Thanks to the backlight function, you will always be aware of where enemies, mobs and valuable items are, which will give you a strategic advantage. The ease of searching for resources will allow you to focus on tactics and battles, rather than endless running around the map. Spend time with pleasure and experience the full power of Arcane! YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 16GB OF RAM.
Cheat status: Updated
Box 2D (Box, Corner) Box Filled (Static, Gradient) Health Bar (Static, Health Based, Gradient) Line Nickname Distance Level Skeleton Rendering distance
Enable Show Type Show Health Show Distance Rendering distance Wolf Skeleton Walkers Mummy Mimic Giant Spider Goblin Other
Enable Show only when hovering Hovering factor Show distance Battle Mode Keybind Rendering distance Small Chest Medium Chest Large Chest Traps Lever Ore Portal Items
FPS Limit Menu Language Menu Keybind Unload Keybind Enable Style Size Thickness
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