Cheat NIXWARE for Counter Strike 2 / CS GO
With the Nixware cheat, you have powerful software in your hands for exciting battles in Counter-Strike 2! The perfect set of features for Rage and Semi-Rage games will provide you with confidence on the battlefield. Use antiaim to avoid being hit. Customize the world for yourself by adjusting the colors and the sky. Shoot through the walls and use other unique opportunities to defeat your rivals and become the leader of the team!
Cheat status: Updated
FOV Hitboxes Head Neck Chest Stomach Pelvis Smooth Shot delay Kill delay Lock target Lock mouse Draw FOV Disable when Smoke Flash Jump
Aimbot FOV changer Hitscan Head Neck Chest Stomach Pelvis HeadBody point scale Minimal damage Hitchance Force shoot PSilent Antiaim Autoscope Autostop (between shots) Bunnyhop Auto strafer with smooth adjustment Accurate walk
Box Glow Skeleton Footsteps Name Weapon name Health Health bar Ammo Chams Ragdoll chams Offscreen ESP Box Minimal and maximum radius customization Minimal and maximum size customization
Bomb esp Timer Damage Name Weapons Icon Name Glow Grenades Color Trajectory Timer Grenade proximity warning
Gloves Seed Paint kit Wear Knifes Seed Paint kit Wear Weapons Seed Paint kit Wear
View Model Editor View Model Chams Hand chams Glove chams Sleeve chams Weapon chams Auto Accept Show player money Spectator list World modulation (world, clouds, sky, sun) Spread circle TaserKnife range Hit markerHit effect Aspect ratio Third person
Flash Smoke Visual recoil Scope borders Zoom Sniper crosshair check Team intro First person legs Model occlusion Shadows Fog Decals Particles Water effect Lightning