Cheat asdfWARE DMA for DMA products

Discover a new level of play with the asdfWARE DMA cheat for Counter Strike 2! It offers reliable features that will help you see opponents through walls and avoid unexpected attacks. Dont miss the chance to become a leader in every game with asdfWARE! REQUIREMENTS Windows 10/11 Pro DMA Board Kmbox Net/B+ or Arduino Fuser

Cheat status: Updated

Windows: 10 / 11
Intel & AMD
Game mode: any
Spoofer: no-in
Choose spoofer
Nvidia & AMD


Ignore teammates
Enable/Disable perfect visiblecheck (not including smokes, only if disabled)
Kmbox net/b+ supported as mouse input
Mouse can be plugged into the DMA PC and routed THROUGH the kmbox/arduino to the GAME PC (not over KMBOX)
Everything is toggleable with keys either on the DMA PC or Game PC (Can be bound seperate)
Multiconfig (Load, Save, Reset, Revert config)
supports pcileech based dma boards (Readdelay, Tiny algo and the algorithm is adjustable)
Multithreaded or singlethreaded reads supported
Low cpu usage mode available
Predictionfactor freely setable
Expertmode (enables all options possible)
Teamcheck can be toggled overall


fuzer mode (black background)
max fps
disable when flashed
ESP box
ESP box mode
ESP box thickness & line thickness
All colors configurable
Show visible color
Show only visible
Show aimbot target
Weapons (Icons)
Show flashed
Show fov
Draw crosshair
Font size adjustable
Text info can be set to all or closest to crosshair only
Text/Textbackground color adjustable
Rearrange text infos, so they NEVER overlap
Show extended info for teammates
Show Name, Last place, defusing, scoped, money, distance, reloading, bomb carrier


fuzer mode (black background)
Show local player
Follow local player
Rotate (based on localplayer or own variable)
Font size
Point scale + outline thickness
Show height status
Enable/Disable text background color (adjustable)
Draw over ingame radar
All colors configurable
Show name, money, viewangles, defusing, bomb carrier, flashed, reloading
Weapons (Text)


Two Aimkeys with seperate fov
Enable/disable Teamcheck
Enable/disable Visiblecheck
min Milliseconds seen before action
Upper and lower bone
Enable/disable horizontal/vertical aimbot
Scope based smoothing
Distance based smoothing
Min and max aimpause in milliseconds between aimcorrections
Delay mousepress by X milliseconds
Delay reaim after one shot
Max stick time
Ignore target in air
Disable when in air
Disable when flashed


Lower aim bone after X Milliseconds
Lower aim bone
Min and max aimpause in milliseconds between aimcorrections for RCS (random between those)
Min/Max percentage of reduction for vertical/horizontal
Active after X bullets
Spray on target for X Milliseconds after it is dead
extend fov when spraying
Max fov
Target switch delay after target dead
two triggerkeys
enable/disable teamcheck
enable/disable visiblecheck
min Milliseconds seen before action (only available if perfect vischeck is active)
Use head/upper body/arm/lower body hitboxes
max random delay before
afterburst propability
afterburst enabled below X enemies
Recoil check
Velocity check
Target switch delay after target dead
Ignore target in air
Disable when in air
Disable when flashed


enable/disable visiblecheck
min Milliseconds seen before action
fov for key1 and key2
Upper and lower bone
Scope based smoothing
Distance based smoothing
Min and max aimpause in milliseconds between aimcorrections
Delay reaim after one shot
Allow spraying
Activate RCS after X bullets
Min and max aimpause in milliseconds between aimcorrections for RCS
Ignore target in air
Disable when in air
Disable when flashed
Standalone RCS
Min and max aimpause in milliseconds between aimcorrections for RCS
Min/Max percentage of reduction for vertical/horizontal
Max Mousepixels per mousemove


3D based sound
Fov based sound
Voice based sound
Call additional info


Voice based positions caller
speech rate
Voice selector


Block every new connection after 60 seconds (enable/disable)