Cheat VMONSTER for Fortnite

Use VMonster in Fortnite and become a true master! With the players backlight, you can see enemies from a mile away, even when theyre hiding. And the loot display function will always tell you where to look for valuable items. The aimbot will make the game even more exciting by providing perfect shots at the most crucial moment!

Cheat status: Updated

Windows: 10 / 11 21H2, 22H2, 23H2
Intel & AMD
Game mode: any
Spoofer: no-in
Choose spoofer
Epic Games
Disk format: GPT
Bios: UEFI
Nvidia & AMD


Aim Settings:
- target colour
- show fov
- fov colour
- fov radius
- show crosshair
- crosshair size
- show snapline
- snapline colour
Aim Lock:
- keybind
- secondary keybind
- toggle mode
- visible only
- ignore downed
- lock speed (smoothing)
- max distance
- keybind
- toggle mode
- shotgun only
- ignore downed


Visual Player Settings:
- player colour
- bots colour
- team colour
- visible check
- visible colour
- player distance
- bot distance
- combat mode keybind
Box ESP:
- player
- bot
Skeleton ESP:
- player
- bot
- thickness
- max distance
Info ESP:
- show distance
- show weapon
Visual Loot Settings:
- common colour
- uncommon colour
- rare colour
- epic colour
- legendary colour
- mythic colour


- show weapons
- show ammo
- show consumables
- show traps
- show rest
- show distance
- max distance
- show common
- show uncommon
- show rare
- show epic
- show legendary
- show mythic
Container (Chest) ESP:
- colour
- show chests
- show ammo box
- show safe
- show buried chest
- show only unsearched
- show distance
- max distance