MELONITY is a powerful cheat for Dota 2. Unique features will increase your efficiency in the game. Auto-prediction of projectiles, optimal positioning and excellent visibility of opponents will help you win. Gain invulnerability and dominance on the battlefield with MELONITY, an innovative cheat for Dota 2.
Cheat status: Updated
Automatic item theft Uses abilities and items in enemies under the control effect to extend its Display an exclamation mark next to the hero if the damage of abilities is enough to kill Prevents incorrect pressing of abilities Automatic purchase of king experience Script that helps in using some items, such as Abuz armlet, etc When holding the key, directs illusions in different directions, in the main character follows the cursor The script automates the mechanics of hit > run. The script will move the character behind the cursor or to the enemy in the interval between attacks, without spending dps Automatically breaks the tree set by the enemy
Script for automatic stack of forest camps by controlled units Displays the current location of linear creeps on the minimap Script for automatic taps of small forest creeps to creeps from the line Displays various information on linear creeps (For example: The ID of the finishing opportunity) Displays hints on forest creeps (The time before their stack, which creeps will spawn next)
Displays a customizable effect around you (Partial) if you are seen by enemy heroes also displays the True Sight effect (If you are standing under the sentry / heme) Script displaying information about enemy heroes in the fog of war, relying on used abilities, teleports, attacks of neutral creeps, etc. Displaying hidden abilities (For example: SunStrike Invoker illumination) Displays the wards set by the enemy By the amount of experience gained for creeps, determines whether there are still enemy heroes within a radius of 1500. Shows the effect on enemies The script hides the camp icon from the minimap if it is protected by the enemy in the fog of war Highlighting the real hero, as well as highlighting illusions in any desired color The script will draw the position of objects Draws lines of routes that can be followed in forests, on side lines The script automatically calculates the trajectory of the enemy courier and displays it on the minimap (Works if the courier was spotted) The script displays the expected position and timer until the characters respawn on the enemy fountain Displays various events on the map (For example: Setting the Templar Assasin trap)
Script replaces standard tree models with any models from the list Script for unlocking Dota+ Script to unlock all cosmetic items Makes the dota assume that sv_cheats is enabled (For example, for some console commands) Script to move the camera to the desired distance Automatic acceptance of the match Script will automatically give five to an ally or enemy Script automatically uses Glyph if the very first T1 is on the edges of destruction. As soon as the first T1 is destroyed, Dota will update the Glyph recharge Script to automatically start searching for the next game Fixes the ban due to which the summoned creatures have invulnerability of the fountain and it is impossible to select them Script to change river models Script for automatic theft of runes Collection of mini-games Allows you to open all the heroes for a peak on a new account Script for changing weather effects Script for automatically leveling abilities and buying items from quick purchase
Script sends a roll to the chat and cleans it, if the value is less than the one selected in the menu. The script can continue to send the roll to the chat until a new value drops out. Allows you to apply some abilities (For example: Puja Hook, Windranger arrow) in any direction and at the same time not to deploy the character in the direction of their application. Automates some actions of your courier, in addition there is the possibility of configuring combos through the courier Displays the roles of enemy players (Rating) Players in search (When the search window opens, it will show the number of players in the search)
Infoscreen for weak PCs Displaying enemy items with a separate panel Displays information about the number of received /lost PTS during the game Displays the effects that affect the enemy, as well as their duration At the peak stage displays a panel with player statistics
The script automatically evades or uses an item/ability to avoid enemy initiation/use of an ability/item Saves allies from fatal damage to abilities, camps, ults The script will automatically throw selected disables at enemies within the radius of using the selected abilities Automatically disables the enemy during his initiation (For example: Uses hex for him)
The script is designed for your allies, when using it for your allies, various actions will automatically be indicated on the minimap (For example: Enemy teleports will be drawn) The script will inform you about the current status of the runes. (Whether they have been selected, notify you of their imminent appearance, etc.) Will display hints for you on places to install wards
Humanizing Render Language English Russian Chinese Scripts Configs Theme Menu opening button Button to open the binds sheet Developer mode HUD Settings OBS Bypass for streamers
Agility Intelligence Targeting Combo
The script will write without stopping /roll in chat Script is designed for ruin games