Cheat LEX for Valorant
Do you want to buy the best cheat for the VALORANT game with the maximum set of features? Lex is the best choice for success. Order Lex and experience the power of the maximum feature set!
Cheat status: Updating
Enable / Disable Save Target Aim Lock Visibility Check Visibility Check By Color Humanized Smooth Recoil Control Delay Delay Scale Draw FOV Draw Crosshair Draw Target Type (Circle, Triangle) Thickness scale Prediction (off, movement only, bullet drop only, movement + bullet drop) Hitbox (Head, Chest, Body, Random) FOV scale Smooth scale Humanize Smooth scale Max Distance scale Hotkeys Colors
Enable / Disable Max Distance scale Font Size scale Team Check Remove Dormant Box (square, corner) + thickness scale Lines (Top, Middle, Bottom) + thickness scale Name Distance Health + thickness scale + position Skeleton + thickness scale Enemy FOV at me + Font scale Alert Enemy FOV Aiming at me + Font scale Alert Position scale Hotkeys Colors
Enable / Disable Radar Position Scale Radar Zoom Scale Change Enemies Aiming at me color Change Visible Enemies Color Change Closest Enemies Color Closest Distance scale Hotkeys