A full-fledged Phoenix cheat for the APEX Legends game, which has a wide range of functions, including aimbot and Visible Check, allowing you to see and control the actions of rivals even through walls and other obstacles. Advanced features of the Phoenix cheat on APEX will give you a great aimbot quality, advanced cheat settings, an excellent raid radar map, and much more. With the help of a full-fledged cheat
Cheat status: Updating
Aimbot - a function that helps to aim at enemies when shooting Prediction - predicts enemy movements, allows you to more accurately aim at moving targets Fov Radius - draws a circle on the screen that shows the radius of the aimbot's operation. lt;br /gt;PSilent - silent aim. Aimbot mode, in which bullets fly at targets, but the sight is not aimed at them RCS - recoil control system during aim operation Color Fov - color selection for a circle showing the radius of the aimbot FOV - the radius of capturing targets with an aimbot Smooth - the smoothness of aiming the sight at the target with a cheat. The higher the value, the smoother and slower the aiming HChance - hitshance. If silent aim is enabled, this is a chance of hitting the target. If silent is not enabled, then this parameter gives randomness to hits on hitboxes Key - the choice of the key responsible for activating the aim. If the key is pressed - aim works Bone - selection of the body part for which aim will work in priority
ESP - this tab is responsible for ESP functions. Various visual functions that are drawn on top of the game Dist - this slider adjusts the distance of the vx in meters Box - highlighting opponents using boxes Meters - displaying the distance to enemy characters in meters Snaplines - lines connecting you to targets Weapon - shows which weapon is currently in the hands of the enemy Health bar - displaying the HP strip of players Shield Bar - displaying the shield strip
Glow - here the outline of enemy models is configured Enable - this parameter activates the outline of enemies Dist - setting the distance of the function in meters Knockouted - color selection for characters who are knocked down Low Health - color of opponents with low health stock Medium health - color of opponents with low hp Hight Health - the color of characters with a high stock of hitpoints Loot Glow ESP - tracing loot behind walls with the help of bx
Misc - additional functions are configured here Specator list - displaying a list of viewers. It does not work very accurately Teammates - the color of the backlight of the teammates using ESP Mini-tab menu - includes the status of the enabled functions on the screen Trigger Bot - a function that makes auto-firing if the enemy is in sight