Cheat LEX for PUBG
Gain superiority over your rivals in PUBG with LEX, a private cheat that provides you with reliable visual and AIM functions for successful gaming activities. With LEX, you can avoid dangers, see enemies even through walls, and develop more strategic solutions, taking your game to a new level of skill. Trust LEX and dominate PUBG!
Cheat status: Updating
Enable / Disable FOV + Scale Smooth + Scale Distance + Scale Draw FOV Recoil Sway Prediction Hitbox (Head, Neck, Chest, Body)
Enable / Disable Distance + Scale Font Size + Scale Team Check Name Head Circle Box Box Type (Curved, Normal) Health Lines Distance Weapon Team Number Skeleton Skeleton Thickness + Scale Enable Bots
Enable / Disable Distance + Scale Vehicle + Scale Airdrop + Scale Deathbox + Scale
Crosshair FOV Target Visible (Players) Invisible (Players) Distance (Players) Name (Players) Weapon (Players) Team Number (Players) Line (Players) Box (Players) Skeleton (Players) Head Circle (Players) Visible (Bots) Invisible (Bots) Distance (Bots) Name (Bots) Grenade alert Vehicles Airdrop DeathBox Loot Guns Ammo Throwable Equipment Attachment Closest Radar Enemies Radar Visible Radar
Minimap Big Map Radar Change Visible Color Change Closest Color Distance + Scale